"Happy New Year? What a hoax ...
After my family to be played limb trying to gobble up pace canon 12 Grapes, television showed clear evidence that the year 2006, how happy they are promised, will host degradation short of the most basic values \u200b\u200bof Western society. Before my astonished eyes, and for greater national pride of millions of viewers, Bertin Osborne (character of dubious merit) sang with the bell of a sheep dying in the sultry gala TVE was prepared for viewers. This show is worthy of complaint to the Human Rights Tribunal of the UN. In fact, they repeated the show on Day 1 to ensure that no one could escape, in a deliberate and premeditated act of genocide intellectual and aesthetic. Is 2006 the number of the beast? Who would have said that the apocalypse would be made of pure boredom ...