E-quipu: Villa Verde
Dear colleagues, counselor, delegates and officials of Ecology and Production Development we offer progressively a set of materials that will as a guiding framework in the process of acquiring knowledge and practices of soil management and cultivation of plants in the spaces under so-called green areas.
green areas we have at Fe y AlegrÃa 17 lack the necessary nutrients so it is necessary to provide these nutrients based on simple techniques and their application depends on the willingness of teachers, students and parents, as well as we are developing an articulated curriculum each of the spaces is a important educational resource to enhance the teaching-learning process.
Improvement of soil and fertilizer
soil is the main component of a good production. A healthy soil is one that exhibits good chemical fertility (nutrients or minerals), physical (porosity, water retentivity and nutrients) and biological (Beneficial microorganisms)
According to the proportions of mineral components of soils can be classified as sandy, clayey and forthright. As can be seen in the table below. SANDY
E-quipu: Villa Verde
Dear colleagues, counselor, delegates and officials of Ecology and Production Development we offer progressively a set of materials that will as a guiding framework in the process of acquiring knowledge and practices of soil management and cultivation of plants in the spaces under so-called green areas.
green areas we have at Fe y AlegrÃa 17 lack the necessary nutrients so it is necessary to provide these nutrients based on simple techniques and their application depends on the willingness of teachers, students and parents, as well as we are developing an articulated curriculum each of the spaces is a important educational resource to enhance the teaching-learning process.
Improvement of soil and fertilizer
soil is the main component of a good production. A healthy soil is one that exhibits good chemical fertility (nutrients or minerals), physical (porosity, water retentivity and nutrients) and biological (Beneficial microorganisms)
According to the proportions of mineral components of soils can be classified as sandy, clayey and forthright. As can be seen in the table below. SANDY
works easily, but retain little moisture and are poor in mineral nutrients (chemical fertility) CLAY
retain moisture better, but when dry are compacted and do not let the water flooded and not leaving the roots grow well FRANKS AND INTERMEDIATE
are loose, have a good level of fertility, hold moisture and drain off excess water with ease.
The ideal time to prepare the soil is one to two months prior to planting. Whatever the form of crop (rows, beds, pots, etc.. It must perform the following activities:
always clean place for all bulk organic material (paper, stems and roots of the previous crop) or inert elements (stones, plastics, glass, cans)
· Water the day before so the soil is slightly moist.
• Using the pickaxe, the fork, loosen the soil.
· Remove soil using a hoe straight scoop or huallacha or lampilla , insert it and remove all the surface layer. At the same time with this operation, incorporating the fertilizer can be manure, humus, compost, etc. This step is known as the land turned. The manure should be 2 to 4 kg per m2. The manure must be dry and clean.
· Rake to leave the surface couple. The soil will be removed, well ventilated and naturally fertilized with manure incorporated. This is known as leveling. E-quipu
: Villa Verde "productive hands
are loose, have a good level of fertility, hold moisture and drain off excess water with ease.
The ideal time to prepare the soil is one to two months prior to planting. Whatever the form of crop (rows, beds, pots, etc.. It must perform the following activities:
always clean place for all bulk organic material (paper, stems and roots of the previous crop) or inert elements (stones, plastics, glass, cans)
· Water the day before so the soil is slightly moist.
• Using the pickaxe, the fork, loosen the soil.
· Remove soil using a hoe straight scoop or huallacha or lampilla , insert it and remove all the surface layer. At the same time with this operation, incorporating the fertilizer can be manure, humus, compost, etc. This step is known as the land turned. The manure should be 2 to 4 kg per m2. The manure must be dry and clean.
· Rake to leave the surface couple. The soil will be removed, well ventilated and naturally fertilized with manure incorporated. This is known as leveling. E-quipu
: Villa Verde "productive hands
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