The importance of food
Our lives depend heavily on our supply is adequate to meet the needs of our body.
The power supply provides for movement and subject to build the body and thus are essential nutrients.
is important to note that not everything we eat has no nutritional value (which is not necessarily edible food.)
According to traditional medicine and naturopathic there are 4 types of food :
- Solid (cereals, fruits, vegetables ...)
- Liquids (water, juice ...)
- Gaseous ( oxygen we breathe)
- Electromagnetic (sunlight)
The lack of any food has, if prolonged, to cell death:
- 40 days without solid food
- 7 days without food liquid
- 2-3 minutes without oxygen
- No radiation (sunlight) is produced immediate death
What are nutrients?
In food find the nutrients needed to keep our body. There are two types of nutrients:
- Macronutrients: Carbohydrates. Proteins. Fat.
- Micronutrients: Vitamins . Minerals. Trace . Enzymes .
This differentiation depends on the needs that they have the body (macro = greater; micro = lowest)
- The carbohydrates provide glucose, the "gasoline" body = energy.
- The proteins provide amino acids, the building blocks necessary for the subject = feedback, antibodies, etc.
- The fats are energy reserves and are essential for the health of the terminations nerve, brain, cell membranes and hormone balance.
- Micro-nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions necessary for the macronutrients convert to energy and matter being thus their catalytic action and flattering.
- The minerals are constitutive of matter (eg. Calcium from bones) and are essential for water balance (too much sodium causes fluid retention).
Terms of healthy eating
1. Must contain all necessary nutrients (macro and micro .)
2. These nutrients must be consumed in amounts / required proportions and balanced.
3. Low toxicity should be as the organic processing of all foods generate waste and toxins that can not be conveniently removed (for internal fault or for being too "heavy") are the cause of many diseases.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
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The importance of food
Our lives depend heavily on our supply is adequate to meet the needs of our body.
The power supply provides for movement and subject to build the body and thus are essential nutrients.
is important to note that not everything we eat has no nutritional value (which is not necessarily edible food.)
According to traditional medicine and naturopathic there are 4 types of food :
- Solid (cereals, fruits, vegetables ...)
- Liquids (water, juice ...)
- Gaseous ( oxygen we breathe)
- Electromagnetic (sunlight)
The lack of any food has, if prolonged, to cell death:
- 40 days without solid food
- 7 days without food liquid
- 2-3 minutes without oxygen
- No radiation (sunlight) is produced immediate death
What are nutrients?
In food find the nutrients needed to keep our body. There are two types of nutrients:
- Macronutrients: Carbohydrates. Proteins. Fat.
- Micronutrients: Vitamins . Minerals. Trace . Enzymes .
This differentiation depends on the needs that they have the body (macro = greater; micro = lowest)
- The carbohydrates provide glucose, the "gasoline" body = energy.
- The proteins provide amino acids, the building blocks necessary for the subject = feedback, antibodies, etc.
- The fats are energy reserves and are essential for the health of the terminations nerve, brain, cell membranes and hormone balance.
- Micro-nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions necessary for the macronutrients convert to energy and matter being thus their catalytic action and flattering.
- The minerals are constitutive of matter (eg. Calcium from bones) and are essential for water balance (too much sodium causes fluid retention).
Terms of healthy eating
1. Must contain all necessary nutrients (macro and micro .)
2. These nutrients must be consumed in amounts / required proportions and balanced.
3. Low toxicity should be as the organic processing of all foods generate waste and toxins that can not be conveniently removed (for internal fault or for being too "heavy") are the cause of many diseases.
Our lives depend heavily on our supply is adequate to meet the needs of our body.
The power supply provides for movement and subject to build the body and thus are essential nutrients.
is important to note that not everything we eat has no nutritional value (which is not necessarily edible food.)
According to traditional medicine and naturopathic there are 4 types of food :
- Solid (cereals, fruits, vegetables ...)
- Liquids (water, juice ...)
- Gaseous ( oxygen we breathe)
- Electromagnetic (sunlight)
The lack of any food has, if prolonged, to cell death:
- 40 days without solid food
- 7 days without food liquid
- 2-3 minutes without oxygen
- No radiation (sunlight) is produced immediate death
What are nutrients?
In food find the nutrients needed to keep our body. There are two types of nutrients:
- Macronutrients: Carbohydrates. Proteins. Fat.
- Micronutrients: Vitamins . Minerals. Trace . Enzymes .
This differentiation depends on the needs that they have the body (macro = greater; micro = lowest)
- The carbohydrates provide glucose, the "gasoline" body = energy.
- The proteins provide amino acids, the building blocks necessary for the subject = feedback, antibodies, etc.
- The fats are energy reserves and are essential for the health of the terminations nerve, brain, cell membranes and hormone balance.
- Micro-nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions necessary for the macronutrients convert to energy and matter being thus their catalytic action and flattering.
- The minerals are constitutive of matter (eg. Calcium from bones) and are essential for water balance (too much sodium causes fluid retention).
Terms of healthy eating
1. Must contain all necessary nutrients (macro and micro .)
2. These nutrients must be consumed in amounts / required proportions and balanced.
3. Low toxicity should be as the organic processing of all foods generate waste and toxins that can not be conveniently removed (for internal fault or for being too "heavy") are the cause of many diseases.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
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Mala leche!
Man is the only mammal that continues to consume milk after infancy!. Historically, as we all know, the milk has been put on a pedestal hardly be surpassed. It is said that its lack is dangerous . It is said that is the solution to osteoporosis . It was even said that his protein is irreplaceable. Some have even said that the lack of milk's health can put people at high risk! Well, on points:
- Milk is overcome in terms nutritional
- His lack need not be at all dangerous
- NO is the answer to osteoporosis
- Your protein is easily replaceable
The issue began in the sixties with the possibility of collecting milk stored without risks to health and meet with her some nutritional deficiency in certain sectors of the population. He soon became a business, strengthened by the fashion of yogurt , to the extent that eventually annexing dairies throughout the food industry. Today, however, milk is most famous for leading (fiber, vitamin C, to acids omega-3, soy ...) that he has. Let
by the "jewels" that gives us this valuable food:
Dairy & Cancer: The betacelulina or BTC is a hormone in large quantities in milk. This hormone is not degraded as easily and is capable of withstanding pasteurization , which is found also present in large amounts in milk of all kinds as yogurts, cheeses, milk shakes and many other milk derivatives. Comes almost entirely to the intestine, where it is associated receptors EGF (a protein located in the cell membrane receptor called epidermal growth factor to be stimulated repairs and maintains the integrity of the intestinal tract). Our saliva enters the blood stream 36 nanograms of EGF in 24 hours, however, a glass of milk provides 450 nanograms of BTC , ie over ten times the amount of EGF from saliva. The more you stimulate EGF receptors , more are produced. This implies that if we stimulate these receptors with betacelulina through consumption of milk, we are increasing the number of the same in all body parts. Y. .. Bingo! The increased levels of these receptors increases the progression of tumors . The overexpression the process occurs in a variety of cancers including breast, ovary, bladder, prostate and pancreas. The betacelulina also promotes cancer in several ways, including increased cell production and increasing the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors (angiogenesis ). anticancer drugs as Cetuximab "," ABX - EGF "," EMD 7200 "," Gelfitinib "," Erlotinib "and others precisely what they seek is to block various forms of receptor-ligand association.
Another main reasons why dairy products are associated with breast cancer, colon, prostate, etc ..., is the content in IGF -1 ( growth factor insulin type 1), a growth factor among many that contains milk, which aims to the calf grow, but also a potent stimulator of cancer cell growth.
Man is the only mammal that continues to consume milk after infancy!. Historically, as we all know, the milk has been put on a pedestal hardly be surpassed. It is said that its lack is dangerous . It is said that is the solution to osteoporosis . It was even said that his protein is irreplaceable. Some have even said that the lack of milk's health can put people at high risk! Well, on points:
- Milk is overcome in terms nutritional
- His lack need not be at all dangerous
- NO is the answer to osteoporosis
- Your protein is easily replaceable
The issue began in the sixties with the possibility of collecting milk stored without risks to health and meet with her some nutritional deficiency in certain sectors of the population. He soon became a business, strengthened by the fashion of yogurt , to the extent that eventually annexing dairies throughout the food industry. Today, however, milk is most famous for leading (fiber, vitamin C, to acids omega-3, soy ...) that he has. Let
by the "jewels" that gives us this valuable food:
Dairy & Cancer: The betacelulina or BTC is a hormone in large quantities in milk. This hormone is not degraded as easily and is capable of withstanding pasteurization , which is found also present in large amounts in milk of all kinds as yogurts, cheeses, milk shakes and many other milk derivatives. Comes almost entirely to the intestine, where it is associated receptors EGF (a protein located in the cell membrane receptor called epidermal growth factor to be stimulated repairs and maintains the integrity of the intestinal tract). Our saliva enters the blood stream 36 nanograms of EGF in 24 hours, however, a glass of milk provides 450 nanograms of BTC , ie over ten times the amount of EGF from saliva. The more you stimulate EGF receptors , more are produced. This implies that if we stimulate these receptors with betacelulina through consumption of milk, we are increasing the number of the same in all body parts. Y. .. Bingo! The increased levels of these receptors increases the progression of tumors . The overexpression the process occurs in a variety of cancers including breast, ovary, bladder, prostate and pancreas. The betacelulina also promotes cancer in several ways, including increased cell production and increasing the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors (angiogenesis ). anticancer drugs as Cetuximab "," ABX - EGF "," EMD 7200 "," Gelfitinib "," Erlotinib "and others precisely what they seek is to block various forms of receptor-ligand association.
Another main reasons why dairy products are associated with breast cancer, colon, prostate, etc ..., is the content in IGF -1 ( growth factor insulin type 1), a growth factor among many that contains milk, which aims to the calf grow, but also a potent stimulator of cancer cell growth.
Dairy and Allergies: According to the Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology "United States, milk is the main cause of allergies in children, causing symptoms as diverse as excess nasal mucus, ear problems , muscle fatigue, headaches, asthma, and phlegm.
The human baby fully assimilated caseins of milk from his mother, but can not do the same with the casein of cow's milk, which pass the partially digested intestine due to neutralizing effect milk exerted on heartburn needed to rupture. The problem is worse in adults, and that with age decreases the amount of renin stomach, which is the first enzyme needed to start the chain breaks of large molecules of casein.
Casein not hydrolysed (fragmented) is a viscous substance (used as an adhesive in watch and carpentry), which in some people accumulating in lymphoid follicles surrounding the intestine, preventing the absorption of other nutrients and contributing to chronic fatigue and various intestinal disorders.
addition, small fragments from the partial hydrolysis of casein (peptides ), under certain conditions can cross the intestinal wall. There, the B lymphocytes the intestinal mucosa produce antibodies (the immunoglobulins) that bind with peptides (antigens) to form antigen-antibody .
In short: milk are rich in antigens that "exhausted" the immune system, making it more vulnerable to infections and diseases directly related to our immune system .

Dairy and Cholesterol: The fat in whole milk products is higher than that of fat meats, like them, are saturated the most part. The milk fatty acids and their derivatives are 12, 14 and 16 carbon atoms, giving them power atherogenic above fatty acid beef or beef, which dominates the 18-carbon stearic acid.
Dairy products contain arachidonic acid , a fatty acid precursor in cells prostaglandins PGE 2 mediators in inflammatory processes . The cholesterol content is far superior to foods that are reputed to be rich in it. One cup of whole milk has 34 mg . cholesterol, while a slice of bacon only 3 mg. By drinking a liter of milk ingested cholesterol equivalent to 53 slices of bacon TAKES IT NOW.
children fed with cow's milk have their arteries in worse condition than those who were breastfed by their mothers. The problem is so serious that the administration of some countries are already taking action on the matter, some other recommended skimmed milk have been deleted from the list of basic food groups for a balanced diet.
Things get worse with industrialization. The pasteurization makes the more saturated fats and homogenization eases the passage through the intestinal walls of fine particles of fat without prior digestion, making rise of cholesterol and saturated fat blood.
The term "low fat" is in the language of marketing . When you say that milk contains 2% fat means that every 100 grams of milk 2 are fat, but do not forget that 87% of milk is water, and whole milk contains about 3.5% fat. This 2% is between 22 and 33% of total kilocalories. To give ye an idea, a glass of skim milk is more fat in three slices of bacon . Few are the benefits to be gained by opting for the skimmer, especially if one considers that the casein is intact.
Milk and Calcium: The official dietary advice usually is taken milk and dairy products due to its high calcium content. In the same way you add salt to the broth when it is dull, it seems logical that, given the softening case, be remedied by taking calcium. This is why why many people drink every day one or more glasses of milk, with the intention of compensating the loss of bone mass. But the body is not a pot, and one thing is the amount of calcium containing food and another to the proportion of the calcium that is absorbed, assimilated and deposited in the bone ends.
After 25,000 blood tests concluded that people who drank three to five glasses of milk a day had the lowest levels of calcium in the blood. In Southeast Asia , women do not take dairy products, but also suffer from osteoporosis , despite having consumed much less calcium than Western and when the Chinese introduced milk in their diets showed an increase of the problem. Interestingly there are now more osteoporosis in the 40's, even though since then the consumption of dairy products has grown enormously.
Let's look at why this occurs:
rich foods animal protein as meat, eggs and dairy products, calcium separate body to regulate acid derivatives that resulting from the breakdown of excess protein , this causes a net loss of calcium. By overuse of milk, the human body accumulates a lot of lactic acid that makes our Ph of blood is acidified and that is not dangerous to the body, this one does to neutralize sacrificing calcium salts present in our bones. Furthermore, cow's milk, provides an excess of phosphorus also acidifies our body and makes our minerals are adversely affected by this consumption. It is also very unbalanced in relation to calcium and magnesium, it contains 10 times more calcium than magnesium. Magnesium (as vitamin D) is necessary to regulate calcium metabolism and fix the bones.
Here are some food rich in calcium and magnesium:
- calcium-rich foods: oatmeal, brown rice, almonds, figs, sesame and poppy seeds, sardines, dark green leafy vegetables, turnips and legumes.
- Foods rich in magnesium: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, melons, cabbage, cauliflower and legumes.
Conclusion: A healthy person does not need cow's milk (or soy) to continue to be so . Do you imagine yourself if preached by advertising the snuff, alcohol and coffee were beneficial to health products?. So why can advertise our products dairy products as beneficial to health, when it is already more than proven to be harmful to them?. I am aware that this issue is taboo for this society and that economic interests are very strong and ... Who puts the bell the cat?!
Imagine if "eliminate" the milk of the global economic outlook ... companies, hundreds of companies (yoghurt, desserts, pastries, ice cream, coffee, livestock ....)... However, it would be ruined, economic disaster that no government would be willing to accept, because companies would be responsible for that are unacceptable.
Buy Maybelline Everfresh Found
Mala leche!
Man is the only mammal that continues to consume milk after infancy!. Historically, as we all know, the milk has been put on a pedestal hardly be surpassed. It is said that its lack is dangerous . It is said that is the solution to osteoporosis . It was even said that his protein is irreplaceable. Some have even said that the lack of milk's health can put people at high risk! Well, on points:
- Milk is overcome in terms nutritional
- His lack need not be at all dangerous
- NO is the answer to osteoporosis
- Your protein is easily replaceable
The issue began in the sixties with the possibility of collecting milk stored without risks to health and meet with her some nutritional deficiency in certain sectors of the population. He soon became a business, strengthened by the fashion of yogurt , to the extent that eventually annexing dairies throughout the food industry. Today, however, milk is most famous for leading (fiber, vitamin C, to acids omega-3, soy ...) that he has. Let
by the "jewels" that gives us this valuable food:
Dairy & Cancer: The betacelulina or BTC is a hormone in large quantities in milk. This hormone is not degraded as easily and is capable of withstanding pasteurization , which is found also present in large amounts in milk of all kinds as yogurts, cheeses, milk shakes and many other milk derivatives. Comes almost entirely to the intestine, where it is associated receptors EGF (a protein located in the cell membrane receptor called epidermal growth factor to be stimulated repairs and maintains the integrity of the intestinal tract). Our saliva enters the blood stream 36 nanograms of EGF in 24 hours, however, a glass of milk provides 450 nanograms of BTC , ie over ten times the amount of EGF from saliva. The more you stimulate EGF receptors , more are produced. This implies that if we stimulate these receptors with betacelulina through consumption of milk, we are increasing the number of the same in all body parts. Y. .. Bingo! The increased levels of these receptors increases the progression of tumors . The overexpression the process occurs in a variety of cancers including breast, ovary, bladder, prostate and pancreas. The betacelulina also promotes cancer in several ways, including increased cell production and increasing the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors (angiogenesis ). anticancer drugs as Cetuximab "," ABX - EGF "," EMD 7200 "," Gelfitinib "," Erlotinib "and others precisely what they seek is to block various forms of receptor-ligand association.
Another main reasons why dairy products are associated with breast cancer, colon, prostate, etc ..., is the content in IGF -1 ( growth factor insulin type 1), a growth factor among many that contains milk, which aims to the calf grow, but also a potent stimulator of cancer cell growth.
Man is the only mammal that continues to consume milk after infancy!. Historically, as we all know, the milk has been put on a pedestal hardly be surpassed. It is said that its lack is dangerous . It is said that is the solution to osteoporosis . It was even said that his protein is irreplaceable. Some have even said that the lack of milk's health can put people at high risk! Well, on points:
- Milk is overcome in terms nutritional
- His lack need not be at all dangerous
- NO is the answer to osteoporosis
- Your protein is easily replaceable
The issue began in the sixties with the possibility of collecting milk stored without risks to health and meet with her some nutritional deficiency in certain sectors of the population. He soon became a business, strengthened by the fashion of yogurt , to the extent that eventually annexing dairies throughout the food industry. Today, however, milk is most famous for leading (fiber, vitamin C, to acids omega-3, soy ...) that he has. Let
by the "jewels" that gives us this valuable food:
Dairy & Cancer: The betacelulina or BTC is a hormone in large quantities in milk. This hormone is not degraded as easily and is capable of withstanding pasteurization , which is found also present in large amounts in milk of all kinds as yogurts, cheeses, milk shakes and many other milk derivatives. Comes almost entirely to the intestine, where it is associated receptors EGF (a protein located in the cell membrane receptor called epidermal growth factor to be stimulated repairs and maintains the integrity of the intestinal tract). Our saliva enters the blood stream 36 nanograms of EGF in 24 hours, however, a glass of milk provides 450 nanograms of BTC , ie over ten times the amount of EGF from saliva. The more you stimulate EGF receptors , more are produced. This implies that if we stimulate these receptors with betacelulina through consumption of milk, we are increasing the number of the same in all body parts. Y. .. Bingo! The increased levels of these receptors increases the progression of tumors . The overexpression the process occurs in a variety of cancers including breast, ovary, bladder, prostate and pancreas. The betacelulina also promotes cancer in several ways, including increased cell production and increasing the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors (angiogenesis ). anticancer drugs as Cetuximab "," ABX - EGF "," EMD 7200 "," Gelfitinib "," Erlotinib "and others precisely what they seek is to block various forms of receptor-ligand association.
Another main reasons why dairy products are associated with breast cancer, colon, prostate, etc ..., is the content in IGF -1 ( growth factor insulin type 1), a growth factor among many that contains milk, which aims to the calf grow, but also a potent stimulator of cancer cell growth.
Dairy and Allergies: According to the Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology "United States, milk is the main cause of allergies in children, causing symptoms as diverse as excess nasal mucus, ear problems , muscle fatigue, headaches, asthma, and phlegm.
The human baby fully assimilated caseins of milk from his mother, but can not do the same with the casein of cow's milk, which pass the partially digested intestine due to neutralizing effect milk exerted on heartburn needed to rupture. The problem is worse in adults, and that with age decreases the amount of renin stomach, which is the first enzyme needed to start the chain breaks of large molecules of casein.
Casein not hydrolysed (fragmented) is a viscous substance (used as an adhesive in watch and carpentry), which in some people accumulating in lymphoid follicles surrounding the intestine, preventing the absorption of other nutrients and contributing to chronic fatigue and various intestinal disorders.
addition, small fragments from the partial hydrolysis of casein (peptides ), under certain conditions can cross the intestinal wall. There, the B lymphocytes the intestinal mucosa produce antibodies (the immunoglobulins) that bind with peptides (antigens) to form antigen-antibody .
In short: milk are rich in antigens that "exhausted" the immune system, making it more vulnerable to infections and diseases directly related to our immune system .

Dairy and Cholesterol: The fat in whole milk products is higher than that of fat meats, like them, are saturated the most part. The milk fatty acids and their derivatives are 12, 14 and 16 carbon atoms, giving them power atherogenic above fatty acid beef or beef, which dominates the 18-carbon stearic acid.
Dairy products contain arachidonic acid , a fatty acid precursor in cells prostaglandins PGE 2 mediators in inflammatory processes . The cholesterol content is far superior to foods that are reputed to be rich in it. One cup of whole milk has 34 mg . cholesterol, while a slice of bacon only 3 mg. By drinking a liter of milk ingested cholesterol equivalent to 53 slices of bacon TAKES IT NOW.
children fed with cow's milk have their arteries in worse condition than those who were breastfed by their mothers. The problem is so serious that the administration of some countries are already taking action on the matter, some other recommended skimmed milk have been deleted from the list of basic food groups for a balanced diet.
Things get worse with industrialization. The pasteurization makes the more saturated fats and homogenization eases the passage through the intestinal walls of fine particles of fat without prior digestion, making rise of cholesterol and saturated fat blood.
The term "low fat" is in the language of marketing . When you say that milk contains 2% fat means that every 100 grams of milk 2 are fat, but do not forget that 87% of milk is water, and whole milk contains about 3.5% fat. This 2% is between 22 and 33% of total kilocalories. To give ye an idea, a glass of skim milk is more fat in three slices of bacon . Few are the benefits to be gained by opting for the skimmer, especially if one considers that the casein is intact.
Milk and Calcium: The official dietary advice usually is taken milk and dairy products due to its high calcium content. In the same way you add salt to the broth when it is dull, it seems logical that, given the softening case, be remedied by taking calcium. This is why why many people drink every day one or more glasses of milk, with the intention of compensating the loss of bone mass. But the body is not a pot, and one thing is the amount of calcium containing food and another to the proportion of the calcium that is absorbed, assimilated and deposited in the bone ends.
After 25,000 blood tests concluded that people who drank three to five glasses of milk a day had the lowest levels of calcium in the blood. In Southeast Asia , women do not take dairy products, but also suffer from osteoporosis , despite having consumed much less calcium than Western and when the Chinese introduced milk in their diets showed an increase of the problem. Interestingly there are now more osteoporosis in the 40's, even though since then the consumption of dairy products has grown enormously.
Let's look at why this occurs:
rich foods animal protein as meat, eggs and dairy products, calcium separate body to regulate acid derivatives that resulting from the breakdown of excess protein , this causes a net loss of calcium. By overuse of milk, the human body accumulates a lot of lactic acid that makes our Ph of blood is acidified and that is not dangerous to the body, this one does to neutralize sacrificing calcium salts present in our bones. Furthermore, cow's milk, provides an excess of phosphorus also acidifies our body and makes our minerals are adversely affected by this consumption. It is also very unbalanced in relation to calcium and magnesium, it contains 10 times more calcium than magnesium. Magnesium (as vitamin D) is necessary to regulate calcium metabolism and fix the bones.
Here are some food rich in calcium and magnesium:
- calcium-rich foods: oatmeal, brown rice, almonds, figs, sesame and poppy seeds, sardines, dark green leafy vegetables, turnips and legumes.
- Foods rich in magnesium: pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, melons, cabbage, cauliflower and legumes.
Conclusion: A healthy person does not need cow's milk (or soy) to continue to be so . Do you imagine yourself if preached by advertising the snuff, alcohol and coffee were beneficial to health products?. So why can advertise our products dairy products as beneficial to health, when it is already more than proven to be harmful to them?. I am aware that this issue is taboo for this society and that economic interests are very strong and ... Who puts the bell the cat?!
Imagine if "eliminate" the milk of the global economic outlook ... companies, hundreds of companies (yoghurt, desserts, pastries, ice cream, coffee, livestock ....)... However, it would be ruined, economic disaster that no government would be willing to accept, because companies would be responsible for that are unacceptable.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
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Antioxidants, "the elixir of eternal youth"
The antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect our bodies from oxidation of harmful free radicals that damage cells .
Breathing in oxygen is essential for cellular life of our body, but because of the same produce some molecules, free radicals, which lead to lifelong negative health effects by ability to alter DNA (genes), proteins and lipids or fats. In our body there are cells that are continually (skin, intestine, ...) and others not ( neurons). Over the years, free radicals can cause a genetic defect on the first, increasing the risk of cancer, and reduce the functionality of the latter (the cells that are not renewed), which is characteristic of aging.
several reasons such as exposure to tobacco snuff (own or others), environmental pollution, the stress, certain medications, use of pesticides by certain foods, excessive saturated fat (animal), fried oils and overexposure to radiation Solar can generate a huge amount of free radicals attacking our cells, damaging them and converting them into further free radicals, leading to a chain reaction.
increasingly being recognized more widely the link between these processes of deterioration and the development of numerous degenerative conditions, including disease Alzheimer , atherosclerosis, cataracts, cancer disease, Parkinson ... or at least that damage caused by free radicals contribute to aging and diseases related thereto.
The sweeping action of these enzymes which makes the cell itself can and should be supplemented by a diet rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, E and C, selenium, zinc and other nutrients and enzymes to enter the cell and produces antioxidants that we ingest through diet, can nullify the harmful effects of free radicals and lower the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and disease neuro-degenerative .
Let's look at some of the antioxidants major found in certain foods:
The antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect our bodies from oxidation of harmful free radicals that damage cells .
Breathing in oxygen is essential for cellular life of our body, but because of the same produce some molecules, free radicals, which lead to lifelong negative health effects by ability to alter DNA (genes), proteins and lipids or fats. In our body there are cells that are continually (skin, intestine, ...) and others not ( neurons). Over the years, free radicals can cause a genetic defect on the first, increasing the risk of cancer, and reduce the functionality of the latter (the cells that are not renewed), which is characteristic of aging.
several reasons such as exposure to tobacco snuff (own or others), environmental pollution, the stress, certain medications, use of pesticides by certain foods, excessive saturated fat (animal), fried oils and overexposure to radiation Solar can generate a huge amount of free radicals attacking our cells, damaging them and converting them into further free radicals, leading to a chain reaction.
increasingly being recognized more widely the link between these processes of deterioration and the development of numerous degenerative conditions, including disease Alzheimer , atherosclerosis, cataracts, cancer disease, Parkinson ... or at least that damage caused by free radicals contribute to aging and diseases related thereto.
To address these processes, cells produce enzymes substances antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase , melatonin and glutathione - peroxidase) that act as catalysts biological thanks mainly to trace containing (selenium, manganese, zinc, copper) and that degrade, neutralize and detoxify free radicals.

Let's look at some of the antioxidants major found in certain foods:
- Allicin : apart from being an antioxidant , has antibiotic, antifungal and inhibits cholesterol synthesis and triglycerides . (Garlic )
- ellagic acid : This acid protects many plants from ultraviolet light, viruses, bacteria and parasites. Studies in Japan, Germany and the United States , ellagitannins the plant ingested by humans activate their protective properties in the body, fighting chronic inflammation ( rheumatoid arthritis), cholesterol, free radicals and certain cancers. ( strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, kiwis , blueberries and berries in general )
- anthocyanins, the anthocyanin play an important role in preventing degeneration of cells organ in h uman . ( black grapes, blackberries, cherries, kiwis , plums
,...) - Capsaicin : besides being a powerful antioxidant , recent research has shown that cancer cells could be malnourished before they cause any problems. ( peppers, chiles, cayenne pepper )
- Carotenoids: the alpha and beta carotene are precursors of vitamin A and nutrients act as antioxidants . They are the only carotenoids which become appreciable amounts of vitamin A. ( carrot, tomato, orange, papaya , lettuce, spinach
,...) - zinc or zinc : This antioxidant is vital to the functioning of the immune helps to prevent infection and to rebuild damaged tissues, as well as scarring of the skin is important growth of children. This mineral works in synergistic with vitamin C in the formation of antibodies and protection of the skin, among other things. (Fish , seafood, whole grains and legumes )
- Coenzyme Q10 : much more than a antioxidant, a key cellular metabolism. ( sardines, mackerel, tuna, vegetables of the cabbage family, peanuts and spinach, among other )
- Hesperidina : This has an antioxidant action diuretic and antihypertensive , also protects the stomach from ulcers. ( white citrus membrane )
- Isothiocyanates: can suppress tumor growth by blocking enzymes. ( Coles, broccoli, squash, turnips, watercress
,...) - Isoflavones : relates as an ally against cardiovascular diseases , osteoporosis and hormone-dependent cancers as breast cancer. ( Soya and derivatives, green tea, peas, lentils, chickpeas ...)
- Lycopene, responsible for the characteristic red color of tomatoes fight prostate cancer and heart disease. (Tomato almost exclusively )
- Organosulfidos : fight cancer, prevent the formation of clots and reduce infections. ( Garlic, onions and scallions )
- Quercetin: This powerful antioxidant can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables ( Grapes, red onion, broccoli , Apples, cherries, moderate consumption of red wine, green tea
,...) - Selenium: This mineral antioxidant anticancer properties and is protective cardiovascular , stimulates the immune system dermal elasticity preserves an important detoxifying against heavy metals, alcohol and smoke snuff. ( Brazil nuts, broccoli , whole grains, fish, garlic and onions among others )
- sulforaphane, powerful and scientifically proven anti-cancer . ( All crucifers such as broccoli , cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips, etc. .. )
- Tannins: This has antioxidant properties to block the formation of endothelin -1, signal molecule that causes constriction of blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease ( Moderate consumption of red wine, grapes, lentils ..)
- Vitamin C : protects the brain system nervous and muscle tissue against free radicals, and vitamin E becomes oxidized form antioxidant. Stimulates immune defenses and is a fundamental ingredient in the synthesis of substances and structures for the human body. Prevents colds and flu, viral and bacterial infections, tumors, injuries and diseases caused by snuff, and the aging of the skin. ( Kiwi, citrus, pineapple, tomatoes, broccoli , alfalfa sprouts, peppers, spinach
,...) - Vitamin E: protects regular use of cardiovascular diseases . Among its properties, provides body resistance, slows cell aging caused by oxidation, it dissolves blood clots, protects the lungs from pollution, reduces stress and exhaustion, its diuretic lowers blood pressure, reduces muscle cramps and contractions. Protects fatty acids around and inside the cells against free radical damage. For their antioxidant power moisturizes and protects the skin, also red blood cells, making it effective against hemolytic anemia . ( avocados, whole grains, corn, nuts, sunflower seeds or sesame , hazelnuts, almonds )
- zeaxanthin, along with Lutein protect the retina from macular degeneration and cataracts. ( corn, spinach, squash, avocado, melon ..)
foods we provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants not guarantee us eternal health and youth, but is proven to help protect us against cardiovascular diseases of tumor formation, which reinforce our defenses and that slow cellular aging, which is no mean feat, let alone taking into account that to incorporate these nutrients is not necessary intake of capsules or expensive food, just what can be found in the nearest grocery store.
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Antioxidants, "the elixir of eternal youth"
The antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect our bodies from oxidation of harmful free radicals that damage cells .
Breathing in oxygen is essential for cellular life of our body, but because of the same produce some molecules, free radicals, which lead to lifelong negative health effects by ability to alter DNA (genes), proteins and lipids or fats. In our body there are cells that are continually (skin, intestine, ...) and others not ( neurons). Over the years, free radicals can cause a genetic defect on the first, increasing the risk of cancer, and reduce the functionality of the latter (the cells that are not renewed), which is characteristic of aging.
several reasons such as exposure to tobacco snuff (own or others), environmental pollution, the stress, certain medications, use of pesticides by certain foods, excessive saturated fat (animal), fried oils and overexposure to radiation Solar can generate a huge amount of free radicals attacking our cells, damaging them and converting them into further free radicals, leading to a chain reaction.
increasingly being recognized more widely the link between these processes of deterioration and the development of numerous degenerative conditions, including disease Alzheimer , atherosclerosis, cataracts, cancer disease, Parkinson ... or at least that damage caused by free radicals contribute to aging and diseases related thereto.
The sweeping action of these enzymes which makes the cell itself can and should be supplemented by a diet rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, E and C, selenium, zinc and other nutrients and enzymes to enter the cell and produces antioxidants that we ingest through diet, can nullify the harmful effects of free radicals and lower the risk of certain cancers, heart disease and disease neuro-degenerative .
Let's look at some of the antioxidants major found in certain foods:
The antioxidants are a group of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect our bodies from oxidation of harmful free radicals that damage cells .
Breathing in oxygen is essential for cellular life of our body, but because of the same produce some molecules, free radicals, which lead to lifelong negative health effects by ability to alter DNA (genes), proteins and lipids or fats. In our body there are cells that are continually (skin, intestine, ...) and others not ( neurons). Over the years, free radicals can cause a genetic defect on the first, increasing the risk of cancer, and reduce the functionality of the latter (the cells that are not renewed), which is characteristic of aging.
several reasons such as exposure to tobacco snuff (own or others), environmental pollution, the stress, certain medications, use of pesticides by certain foods, excessive saturated fat (animal), fried oils and overexposure to radiation Solar can generate a huge amount of free radicals attacking our cells, damaging them and converting them into further free radicals, leading to a chain reaction.
increasingly being recognized more widely the link between these processes of deterioration and the development of numerous degenerative conditions, including disease Alzheimer , atherosclerosis, cataracts, cancer disease, Parkinson ... or at least that damage caused by free radicals contribute to aging and diseases related thereto.
To address these processes, cells produce enzymes substances antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase , melatonin and glutathione - peroxidase) that act as catalysts biological thanks mainly to trace containing (selenium, manganese, zinc, copper) and that degrade, neutralize and detoxify free radicals.

Let's look at some of the antioxidants major found in certain foods:
- Allicin : apart from being an antioxidant , has antibiotic, antifungal and inhibits cholesterol synthesis and triglycerides . (Garlic )
- ellagic acid : This acid protects many plants from ultraviolet light, viruses, bacteria and parasites. Studies in Japan, Germany and the United States , ellagitannins the plant ingested by humans activate their protective properties in the body, fighting chronic inflammation ( rheumatoid arthritis), cholesterol, free radicals and certain cancers. ( strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapes, kiwis , blueberries and berries in general )
- anthocyanins, the anthocyanin play an important role in preventing degeneration of cells organ in h uman . ( black grapes, blackberries, cherries, kiwis , plums
,...) - Capsaicin : besides being a powerful antioxidant , recent research has shown that cancer cells could be malnourished before they cause any problems. ( peppers, chiles, cayenne pepper )
- Carotenoids: the alpha and beta carotene are precursors of vitamin A and nutrients act as antioxidants . They are the only carotenoids which become appreciable amounts of vitamin A. ( carrot, tomato, orange, papaya , lettuce, spinach
,...) - zinc or zinc : This antioxidant is vital to the functioning of the immune helps to prevent infection and to rebuild damaged tissues, as well as scarring of the skin is important growth of children. This mineral works in synergistic with vitamin C in the formation of antibodies and protection of the skin, among other things. (Fish , seafood, whole grains and legumes )
- Coenzyme Q10 : much more than a antioxidant, a key cellular metabolism. ( sardines, mackerel, tuna, vegetables of the cabbage family, peanuts and spinach, among other )
- Hesperidina : This has an antioxidant action diuretic and antihypertensive , also protects the stomach from ulcers. ( white citrus membrane )
- Isothiocyanates: can suppress tumor growth by blocking enzymes. ( Coles, broccoli, squash, turnips, watercress
,...) - Isoflavones : relates as an ally against cardiovascular diseases , osteoporosis and hormone-dependent cancers as breast cancer. ( Soya and derivatives, green tea, peas, lentils, chickpeas ...)
- Lycopene, responsible for the characteristic red color of tomatoes fight prostate cancer and heart disease. (Tomato almost exclusively )
- Organosulfidos : fight cancer, prevent the formation of clots and reduce infections. ( Garlic, onions and scallions )
- Quercetin: This powerful antioxidant can be found in a variety of fruits and vegetables ( Grapes, red onion, broccoli , Apples, cherries, moderate consumption of red wine, green tea
,...) - Selenium: This mineral antioxidant anticancer properties and is protective cardiovascular , stimulates the immune system dermal elasticity preserves an important detoxifying against heavy metals, alcohol and smoke snuff. ( Brazil nuts, broccoli , whole grains, fish, garlic and onions among others )
- sulforaphane, powerful and scientifically proven anti-cancer . ( All crucifers such as broccoli , cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnips, etc. .. )
- Tannins: This has antioxidant properties to block the formation of endothelin -1, signal molecule that causes constriction of blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of heart disease ( Moderate consumption of red wine, grapes, lentils ..)
- Vitamin C : protects the brain system nervous and muscle tissue against free radicals, and vitamin E becomes oxidized form antioxidant. Stimulates immune defenses and is a fundamental ingredient in the synthesis of substances and structures for the human body. Prevents colds and flu, viral and bacterial infections, tumors, injuries and diseases caused by snuff, and the aging of the skin. ( Kiwi, citrus, pineapple, tomatoes, broccoli , alfalfa sprouts, peppers, spinach
,...) - Vitamin E: protects regular use of cardiovascular diseases . Among its properties, provides body resistance, slows cell aging caused by oxidation, it dissolves blood clots, protects the lungs from pollution, reduces stress and exhaustion, its diuretic lowers blood pressure, reduces muscle cramps and contractions. Protects fatty acids around and inside the cells against free radical damage. For their antioxidant power moisturizes and protects the skin, also red blood cells, making it effective against hemolytic anemia . ( avocados, whole grains, corn, nuts, sunflower seeds or sesame , hazelnuts, almonds )
- zeaxanthin, along with Lutein protect the retina from macular degeneration and cataracts. ( corn, spinach, squash, avocado, melon ..)
foods we provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants not guarantee us eternal health and youth, but is proven to help protect us against cardiovascular diseases of tumor formation, which reinforce our defenses and that slow cellular aging, which is no mean feat, let alone taking into account that to incorporate these nutrients is not necessary intake of capsules or expensive food, just what can be found in the nearest grocery store.
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The Protein Myth
materials are proteins that play a greater number of functions in the cells of all living beings. On the one hand, part of the basic structure of tissues (muscles, tendons, skin, nails, etc..) And other metabolic and regulatory roles (assimilation of nutrients, oxygen transport and fats blood inactivation of toxic or hazardous materials, etc.). They are also the elements that define the identity of every living being, as they are the base of the structure of the genetic code (DNA ) and systems of recognition of foreign organisms on the immune system.
Proteins are macromolecules formed by the union of thousands or hundreds of amino acids . The amino are divided into essential amino acids and nonessential. The essentials are those that are not produced by the body and should be incorporated through the diet. The non-essential are synthesized by our metabolism.
- essential amino acids: phenylalanine , leucine, isoleucine , lysine, methionine , threonine, tryptophan and valine . During childhood and adolescence: arginine and histidine .
- non-essential amino acids: alanine , cysteine, cystine , glycine, hydroxyproline , proline, serine , tyrosine acid, aspartic and glutamic .
In metabolism, the major end product of proteins is ammonia which is then converted to urea in the liver and excreted through urine. The
Administation protein in our diet should be consistent. We provide 4 Kcal per gram, and the recommendation is that consumption is 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kg . weight.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) stated in their studies that the developed world consumes more than twice the required daily protein requirements. While the Third World suffers an alarming lack of protein. On the other hand, even the WHO recommends a ratio of only 25% of animal protein (fish, eggs) and 75% protein of plant origin (vegetables, cereals, nuts ...) in our diet.
There are many myths about protein and meat:
-meat contains more protein than any other food.
"Only those who eat meat protein supplies enough.
-meat proteins are the best quality.
"Because the plant proteins lack certain amino are of less quality than those in the flesh.
Well, there is not a single protein in animal meat that comes from plants and, therefore, humans can obtain all the vegetable kingdom. More Furthermore, eating food from the vegetable kingdom has the added benefit of combining amino acids with other substances that are essential for the proper utilization of protein: carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, chlorophyll and other elements that only plants can offer. They also say that meat contains about 25% protein and is intermediate (with nuts, vegetables and fish) in the quantitative level of protein.
Proteins "plant or animal?
Since only assimilate amino acids and proteins are not complete, the body can not distinguish whether these amino acids from proteins of vegetable or animal.
animal protein molecules are much larger and complex, which contain greater amounts and diversity of amino . In general, its biological value is greater than those of plant origin. Counterpart are harder to digest, since there are more links between amino to break. Properly combining vegetable proteins (eg . Legumes + grains) can obtain a set of amino balanced. For example, rice proteins contain all essential amino acids, but are rare in lysine. If combined with lentils, chick peas, rich in lysine , the biological quality and resulting protein intake is greater than that of most animal products.
Taking animal protein from meat also eat all the waste of cell metabolism present in these tissues (ammonia, uric acid, etc.) That the animal could not eliminate before being sacrificed. These compounds act as poisons in our bodies. The metabolism of plants is different and these derivatives are not present nitrogen. In any case, always be preferred to fish eggs, fish, birds and poultry to red meat.
animal protein is often accompanied by animal fats, mostly saturated fat. Common knowledge is that a high intake of saturated fatty acids increases the risk of cardiovascular disease .
Unlike animal proteins, vegetable proteins contain many purines. These are substances which are be dissolved by the liver and eliminated by the kidney. Among the purine that abound in the flesh is the " xanthine, exciting action on the heart and brain, because of the aggressive carnivores. The purine plant products are less harmful to contain potassium and as a diuretic .
The kidney can remove up to 600 mg . of purines day, provided it is healthy, imagine saturation purines in food that exists today when a fillet 150 gr . We covered half of what a kidney should be cleaned, all these toxins are principles of diseases and skin problems, while the lymphatic system which includes these substances becoming a "hotbed" and this is a direct path to cancer and degenerative diseases in general.
Right Combination of plant foods
To achieve better quality of plant proteins, the suggestions are mixing in the same dish different products:
- Vegetables & Cereals lentils rice, beans with rice, beans, pasta, couscous with chickpeas and vegetables chickpeas with wheat spaghetti with peas and shrimp, burritos (corn bread or wheat) filled with beans , soybeans and rice with vegetables, chickpeas and bread.
- Vegetables & Nuts and seeds = chickpeas with pine nuts, lentil salad with nuts, humus or chickpea pate (mashed chickpeas with sesame seeds and spices).
- Grain + Milk = plant rice or oatmeal with soy milk shake, almond ...
- Nuts and seeds + Milk = plant oats or rice pudding and fruit plant dry.
- Nuts and Seeds & Cereals rice salad with dried fruits, pasta with walnuts ...
This is an example of menus equivalent in quality and quantity of proteins:
- Cream of pumpkin, onion and potato
- beef fillet (120-130 g) with green peppers
- bread and fresh fruit
- Mixed salad with walnuts
- Chickpeas with rice, squash and green peppers
- bread and fresh fruit
consumption of vegetables, grains and nuts allows for proteins quality but with less saturated fat and cholesterol. They are less acidifying for our body because they are accompanied by minerals, containing less purines and are best removed. Ferment in the intestines and do not rot like meat, have fiber, less overload the liver and kidneys, are easy to digest and also are ideal for low calorie diets.
materials are proteins that play a greater number of functions in the cells of all living beings. On the one hand, part of the basic structure of tissues (muscles, tendons, skin, nails, etc..) And other metabolic and regulatory roles (assimilation of nutrients, oxygen transport and fats blood inactivation of toxic or hazardous materials, etc.). They are also the elements that define the identity of every living being, as they are the base of the structure of the genetic code (DNA ) and systems of recognition of foreign organisms on the immune system.
Proteins are macromolecules formed by the union of thousands or hundreds of amino acids . The amino are divided into essential amino acids and nonessential. The essentials are those that are not produced by the body and should be incorporated through the diet. The non-essential are synthesized by our metabolism.
- essential amino acids: phenylalanine , leucine, isoleucine , lysine, methionine , threonine, tryptophan and valine . During childhood and adolescence: arginine and histidine .
- non-essential amino acids: alanine , cysteine, cystine , glycine, hydroxyproline , proline, serine , tyrosine acid, aspartic and glutamic .
In metabolism, the major end product of proteins is ammonia which is then converted to urea in the liver and excreted through urine. The
Administation protein in our diet should be consistent. We provide 4 Kcal per gram, and the recommendation is that consumption is 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kg . weight.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) stated in their studies that the developed world consumes more than twice the required daily protein requirements. While the Third World suffers an alarming lack of protein. On the other hand, even the WHO recommends a ratio of only 25% of animal protein (fish, eggs) and 75% protein of plant origin (vegetables, cereals, nuts ...) in our diet.
There are many myths about protein and meat:
-meat contains more protein than any other food.
"Only those who eat meat protein supplies enough.
-meat proteins are the best quality.
"Because the plant proteins lack certain amino are of less quality than those in the flesh.
Well, there is not a single protein in animal meat that comes from plants and, therefore, humans can obtain all the vegetable kingdom. More Furthermore, eating food from the vegetable kingdom has the added benefit of combining amino acids with other substances that are essential for the proper utilization of protein: carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, chlorophyll and other elements that only plants can offer. They also say that meat contains about 25% protein and is intermediate (with nuts, vegetables and fish) in the quantitative level of protein.
Proteins "plant or animal?
Since only assimilate amino acids and proteins are not complete, the body can not distinguish whether these amino acids from proteins of vegetable or animal.

Taking animal protein from meat also eat all the waste of cell metabolism present in these tissues (ammonia, uric acid, etc.) That the animal could not eliminate before being sacrificed. These compounds act as poisons in our bodies. The metabolism of plants is different and these derivatives are not present nitrogen. In any case, always be preferred to fish eggs, fish, birds and poultry to red meat.
animal protein is often accompanied by animal fats, mostly saturated fat. Common knowledge is that a high intake of saturated fatty acids increases the risk of cardiovascular disease .
Unlike animal proteins, vegetable proteins contain many purines. These are substances which are be dissolved by the liver and eliminated by the kidney. Among the purine that abound in the flesh is the " xanthine, exciting action on the heart and brain, because of the aggressive carnivores. The purine plant products are less harmful to contain potassium and as a diuretic .
The kidney can remove up to 600 mg . of purines day, provided it is healthy, imagine saturation purines in food that exists today when a fillet 150 gr . We covered half of what a kidney should be cleaned, all these toxins are principles of diseases and skin problems, while the lymphatic system which includes these substances becoming a "hotbed" and this is a direct path to cancer and degenerative diseases in general.
Right Combination of plant foods
To achieve better quality of plant proteins, the suggestions are mixing in the same dish different products:
- Vegetables & Cereals lentils rice, beans with rice, beans, pasta, couscous with chickpeas and vegetables chickpeas with wheat spaghetti with peas and shrimp, burritos (corn bread or wheat) filled with beans , soybeans and rice with vegetables, chickpeas and bread.
- Vegetables & Nuts and seeds = chickpeas with pine nuts, lentil salad with nuts, humus or chickpea pate (mashed chickpeas with sesame seeds and spices).
- Grain + Milk = plant rice or oatmeal with soy milk shake, almond ...
- Nuts and seeds + Milk = plant oats or rice pudding and fruit plant dry.
- Nuts and Seeds & Cereals rice salad with dried fruits, pasta with walnuts ...
This is an example of menus equivalent in quality and quantity of proteins:
- Cream of pumpkin, onion and potato
- beef fillet (120-130 g) with green peppers
- bread and fresh fruit
- Mixed salad with walnuts
- Chickpeas with rice, squash and green peppers
- bread and fresh fruit
consumption of vegetables, grains and nuts allows for proteins quality but with less saturated fat and cholesterol. They are less acidifying for our body because they are accompanied by minerals, containing less purines and are best removed. Ferment in the intestines and do not rot like meat, have fiber, less overload the liver and kidneys, are easy to digest and also are ideal for low calorie diets.
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