materials are proteins that play a greater number of functions in the cells of all living beings. On the one hand, part of the basic structure of tissues (muscles, tendons, skin, nails, etc..) And other metabolic and regulatory roles (assimilation of nutrients, oxygen transport and fats blood inactivation of toxic or hazardous materials, etc.). They are also the elements that define the identity of every living being, as they are the base of the structure of the genetic code (DNA ) and systems of recognition of foreign organisms on the immune system.
Proteins are macromolecules formed by the union of thousands or hundreds of amino acids . The amino are divided into essential amino acids and nonessential. The essentials are those that are not produced by the body and should be incorporated through the diet. The non-essential are synthesized by our metabolism.
- essential amino acids: phenylalanine , leucine, isoleucine , lysine, methionine , threonine, tryptophan and valine . During childhood and adolescence: arginine and histidine .
- non-essential amino acids: alanine , cysteine, cystine , glycine, hydroxyproline , proline, serine , tyrosine acid, aspartic and glutamic .
In metabolism, the major end product of proteins is ammonia which is then converted to urea in the liver and excreted through urine. The
Administation protein in our diet should be consistent. We provide 4 Kcal per gram, and the recommendation is that consumption is 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kg . weight.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) stated in their studies that the developed world consumes more than twice the required daily protein requirements. While the Third World suffers an alarming lack of protein. On the other hand, even the WHO recommends a ratio of only 25% of animal protein (fish, eggs) and 75% protein of plant origin (vegetables, cereals, nuts ...) in our diet.
There are many myths about protein and meat:
-meat contains more protein than any other food.
"Only those who eat meat protein supplies enough.
-meat proteins are the best quality.
"Because the plant proteins lack certain amino are of less quality than those in the flesh.
Well, there is not a single protein in animal meat that comes from plants and, therefore, humans can obtain all the vegetable kingdom. More Furthermore, eating food from the vegetable kingdom has the added benefit of combining amino acids with other substances that are essential for the proper utilization of protein: carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, chlorophyll and other elements that only plants can offer. They also say that meat contains about 25% protein and is intermediate (with nuts, vegetables and fish) in the quantitative level of protein.
Proteins "plant or animal?
Since only assimilate amino acids and proteins are not complete, the body can not distinguish whether these amino acids from proteins of vegetable or animal.

Taking animal protein from meat also eat all the waste of cell metabolism present in these tissues (ammonia, uric acid, etc.) That the animal could not eliminate before being sacrificed. These compounds act as poisons in our bodies. The metabolism of plants is different and these derivatives are not present nitrogen. In any case, always be preferred to fish eggs, fish, birds and poultry to red meat.
animal protein is often accompanied by animal fats, mostly saturated fat. Common knowledge is that a high intake of saturated fatty acids increases the risk of cardiovascular disease .
Unlike animal proteins, vegetable proteins contain many purines. These are substances which are be dissolved by the liver and eliminated by the kidney. Among the purine that abound in the flesh is the " xanthine, exciting action on the heart and brain, because of the aggressive carnivores. The purine plant products are less harmful to contain potassium and as a diuretic .
The kidney can remove up to 600 mg . of purines day, provided it is healthy, imagine saturation purines in food that exists today when a fillet 150 gr . We covered half of what a kidney should be cleaned, all these toxins are principles of diseases and skin problems, while the lymphatic system which includes these substances becoming a "hotbed" and this is a direct path to cancer and degenerative diseases in general.
Right Combination of plant foods
To achieve better quality of plant proteins, the suggestions are mixing in the same dish different products:
- Vegetables & Cereals lentils rice, beans with rice, beans, pasta, couscous with chickpeas and vegetables chickpeas with wheat spaghetti with peas and shrimp, burritos (corn bread or wheat) filled with beans , soybeans and rice with vegetables, chickpeas and bread.
- Vegetables & Nuts and seeds = chickpeas with pine nuts, lentil salad with nuts, humus or chickpea pate (mashed chickpeas with sesame seeds and spices).
- Grain + Milk = plant rice or oatmeal with soy milk shake, almond ...
- Nuts and seeds + Milk = plant oats or rice pudding and fruit plant dry.
- Nuts and Seeds & Cereals rice salad with dried fruits, pasta with walnuts ...
This is an example of menus equivalent in quality and quantity of proteins:
- Cream of pumpkin, onion and potato
- beef fillet (120-130 g) with green peppers
- bread and fresh fruit
- Mixed salad with walnuts
- Chickpeas with rice, squash and green peppers
- bread and fresh fruit
consumption of vegetables, grains and nuts allows for proteins quality but with less saturated fat and cholesterol. They are less acidifying for our body because they are accompanied by minerals, containing less purines and are best removed. Ferment in the intestines and do not rot like meat, have fiber, less overload the liver and kidneys, are easy to digest and also are ideal for low calorie diets.
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