Here are some reasons to stop eating meat:
- anthropological reasons:
teeth - Until recently we have tried to deduce from different teeth of Man carnivorous nature. In particular, always emphasized that the dogs were there to tear flesh. Today no one argues this thesis. Human teeth is similar to that of great apes and our dogs are just a waste of our defense relationship with the apes, gorillas and chimpanzees, which never used to kill or tear, just to defend themselves from predators. Incisors, on the other hand, are excellent tools for cutting fiber vegetables, fruits and nuts, then chewed by the molars.
Digestive - The saliva of carnivores is acidic, depending on the digestion of animal protein, and lacks ptialina , a chemical that digests starches, ours is alkaline and contains ptialina to digest starches.
a carnivore's stomach is a simple round sack that secretes hydrochloric acid ten times that of a non-carnivore. Our stomachs are oblong in shape, complex structure and continues in the duodenum. The intestines of a carnivore are three times the length of the trunk, and are poised for rapid expulsion of the rapidly rotting food (meat). Ours measured twelve times the length of the trunk, and are prepared to keep food in them until have been extracted all nutrients.
a carnivore's liver can eliminate ten to fifteen times more uric acid than that of an animal that is not, the man has the ability to remove only a small amount of oxalic acid (produced as a result of consuming meat). Unlike carnivores and most omnivores, humans do not have uricase, the enzyme capable of decomposing uric acid. The urine of carnivores is acidic, the alkaline
organic acids - Carnivorous animals secrete quantities of organic acids to digest the raw meat. When humans eat large amounts of meat and even if they have been "digested" in part by fire, you need still significant amounts of acid to dissolve these foods and this can only be achieved through of hyperfunction of the liver and spleen, which leads to long-term functional problems in these organs. But more problematic is that a carnivorous diet food bowls take many hours to pass through our intestine before being evacuated, the waste begin to ferment in the interior, which assimilate toxic substances undesirable for our health.
Anatomy - Anatomically we seem much to the great apes, in general, do not eat meat. A carnivore does not sweat through the skin and has no pores, we do. . They have a rough tongue, not us. Our hands are perfectly suited to take off, not to tear the entrails of an animal like the claws of a carnivore.
- ecological reasons:
A meatless diet is economically more sustainable than a carnivorous diet. We are producing more food than they need the world's population. Cherishing our supply of grain and give it to humans malnourished, instead of giving it to cattle, could be easily nourish all the world people are chronically undernourished. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bwaste that is our kind of food, give you some figures: the plants produce much more protein per hectare than cattle, 16 kilos of grain costs porducir a kilo of meat. Only with the reduction of 10% of the production of meat, grain could feed 60 million people.
not forget that farming techniques needed to produce meat diets have caused erosion much of the land surface. Millions of hectares of productive and diverse forests in both temperate and tropical zones, have been cleared and are used for pasture for livestock, thus altering rich "ecosystem" lungs "(Amazon ) of our planet.
- Health reasons:
The dangers of eating meat are varied. On the one hand, the meat-to be at the end of the food chain - accumulated large amount of toxic substances, toxins, cholesterol, saturated fat, uric acid, etc. The amount of pesticides and artificial fertilizers, DDT, DES, arsenic (used in cattle feed as a growth promoter) sodium sulfate and nitrite (used to give the meat its "fresh" and highly carcinogenic red) and all substances for fattening cattle is given, leave residues in meat that passed the man, link end of the food chain. On the other hand, penicillin and tetracycline , the two antibiotics used at subtherapeutic levels for livestock feed, are the ones giving rise to more resistant bacteria, emerging new cases of meningitis, pneumonia rebels medical treatment.
The fat of meat increased by 40% the chance of some kind cancer and increased risk of diseases related to the circulatory system and obesity.
Uric acid is the acid in the urine of the animal. It is what gives meat its flavor! To neutralize these acids the body uses reserves of alkaline minerals, primarily calcium, bones and teeth. This causes the calcium reserves will decline, leaving the "porous bone" ( osteoporosis), leading to the development of posture curved, crooked spine, spontaneous fractures, etc. Once the acid neutralization has occurred, calcium urate waste is deposited in soft tissues and calcified. These deposits are as tough as stones and if they form in the arteries leading to arteriosclerosis or narrowing of the arteries, cataracts forming optical lenses in the ureter and kidney stones in the gallbladder, skin wrinkles, arthritis joint , etc.
The human body is a complex machine. And, like any machine, some fuels are better suited than others to work better. Medical records from around the world demonstrate beyond doubt that meat is a very inefficient fuel to jump-start the human machine and eventually becomes a very high tax.
- Ethics:
Today, the animals are reared in the traditional manner, as was once in the villages, where conditions of pigs, cows, chickens and rabbits were more benign. They lived in larger spaces, had some freedom of movement within the barn or chicken coop, human contact, the hens lay eggs at their own pace, cows grazing in the field many times, and all food consumed in a certain quality, based on the remains of houses, along with vegetables, corn, grass, etc.. Today they have come to be in a minimum space, crowded, unable to move, they are fed with animal flour, made from remains unclean, questionably edible whose purpose is only to lower the "costs"; suffer lighting systems that disrupt their biorhythms to produce more eggs, the hens are stuffed with hormones, antibiotics and other fattening products to increase the "yield" and suffer transport conditions that carry several days without eating or drinking. Oxen and pigs are castrated without anesthesia. All these animals spend their brief lives in crowded places, filled with ammonia and often extreme temperatures.
We have established laws that make any harm to another man to be severely punished, sometimes even his own life. However, with respect to non-human especially those whose flesh or skins we decided that we appreciate animal life is worth nothing, and you can do with it whatever you want, at the mercy of him who possesses it. All this because the animals can not make logical judgments, or have a rational intelligence, or articulate language. As beings of inferior intelligence, apparently have no rights. From an ethical standpoint, however, the prevailing criterion does not refer to the intelligence of a being or mental ability, but the capacity to suffer physical and emotional pain. And pigs, chickens, calves ... it is obvious to say, experience pain. They may feel alone, desperate, sad, suffer when deprived of their offspring, notice the terror group that is breathed in slaughterhouses.
- Conclusion:
Without going as far as diet obsessed with style, not to radicalize our lives, it is interesting to approach the existing philosophy behind the non-consumption of meat, because it returns to man rightful place in nature, without the arrogance that we carry the fruit of two thousand years of Judeo-Christian tradition, which assumes that man is the king of creation and summit of all evolution.
Things change a lot if we were to kill with our own hands the animals we eat, because we sensitize before the animal pain, or if we were to witness the daily spectacle of horrific slaughter, and we knew the hardship has passed the animal from which we get the meat to the mouth, we should be aware of what it means to eat meat. But in this society where everything is compartmentalized difficult to imagine that we do not see, and the force of habit we do not associate the meat we eat animal life. However, anyone with pets would be able to eat your dog or cat. The most regrettable aspect of the current situation are the large dimensions that it has acquired the exploitation of animals, and the fact that everything is subordinated to economic interests. Is estimated at nearly 45 billion animals killed each year in slaughterhouses to meet global meat demand. Many streams
naturists, environmentalism and seeking alternative medicines should be harmonized with the surroundings and integrate much more on the existence of our planet and the creatures that inhabit it. Respect for life is what our own dignified life.
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