Centuries went by and technical and scientific developments provided a new view of things. The Earth seemed smaller as could be discovered and shave in all directions, increased human feeling of power, which spread to the stars. The conquest of space was just an extension of the mind of the man who was holding the key to life.
However, these contributions did not bring happiness or internal security ... nor abroad. Like ancient man, modern man has begun to project their fears and anxieties, although not the ideal figures divinize. In any case, deify their vices and weaknesses to find a psychological justification.
could also noted many errors today and perhaps the men of the future are generously ruthless with us, matching our actions with the old cultures.
What will they think of our way of life that come within a few centuries? That
escaped our time pretending we are not, partly because they do not know exactly what or who we are, and partly because the force of fashion rules in such a way, you have to follow them even without being identified with them.
sense of shame or inability, not sublimate our fears and instead are filled with trauma. We have liberated from the prison of morality to fall into Prison style immorality as normal behavior.
That finally got to experience a world without God and without God, to glorify false heroes and imaginary characters.
we finally dispense with hierarchy and authority, to feel helpless and unable to make determinations.
that all systems are tested fail miserably sooner or later, because men fail to embody.
who seek happiness through the generosity, we managed to expand the corruption, to erase the differences between men and women, children and old people hate and revenge grafted sophisticated every corner ...
Earth gets close and uncomfortable: we must turn our gaze to other worlds ...
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