Rioja potatoes The Rioja potatoes is a simple recipe, cheap and delicious, a few days before the start of the spring, I took to make this dish full winter, strong, tasty and a gift of more ancient culinary wisdom, but no survival have to envy any other dish, for me is haute cuisine. Its origin is linked to the arrival of the potato and the accompanying of Piparra Rioja or pickled green chillies, do not need anything else, just a good wine and good company. It is a dish that has been made even like ice cream, even deconstruction has suffered from a cook light, appears like a light cream after mash the potatoes, in crystal glass with layers of peppers and chorizo \u200b\u200bsausage chopped and fried.
Ingredients for four people: 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, chorizo \u200b\u200bor Nora, potato eye, 1 or 2 quality sausages, 1 bay leaf (optional), a little garlic and pepper, oil oil and salt. Prepared Peel the potatoes and cut in pieces, if they break makes the potato starch to flow freely, this is one of the keys to this dish. In a saucepan, cook puts a little oil with garlic, leaving it to burn the garlic is removed to add it later. Below is a sauce with onions, white beans, gradually, with love and dedication, it's time to christen the stew with chorizo, stir around, add the potatoes, bay leaves and chorizo \u200b\u200bpepper pulp or Nora (previously hydrated) and pepper, keep stirring to prevent sticking or burn the potatoes. Cover with water, they begin to boil lowered the heat to low but not a boil, continue cooking until potato is tender, at their best, even a discard a bit, to thicken the stew.
Some people add a little green pepper or does not laurel, or add pepper or crushed garlic and parsley. Degreasing and I will try to use potatoes and top quality sausages, thanks Xose potatoes and sausages for those who arrived directly from Lugo, a treasure trove of top quality food, thank you very much champion, is said!. Also, many recipes do not see the pepper, I add a little along with Nora. In many recipes will add pork ribs, I do not, but hey it gives more substance, although not the classic recipe of potatoes to the Rioja.
Potatoes Rioja-style popular cuisine is elevated to its fullest, kitchen pot, the chup chup, to use a meager pantry and provide no calories because calories and tasty, if you can call it that, the triumph of the precariousness that becomes luxury.
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