The latest darling of the nanotechnology is the " frozen smoke", which is an Aerogel lighter solid substance the world and could be used to detect pollutants and toxic sustancaias, improving robotic surgery techniques and store energy more efficiently.
Instead of being composed of silica aerogels as traditional, this Aerogel is composed of walled carbon nanotubes multiple , so tiny that a single human hair could fit thousands of them. Nanotubes are also responsible for practical applications of aerogels from being increased.
One of these practical applications highlighted by researchers at the University of Central Florida responsible for the "carbon freeze" is its use in the field of robotic surgery . The new substance detects even the smallest change in pressure, which could be used in robotic fingers to enhance their sensitivity.
Another application could be in the area of \u200b\u200benergy storage : thanks to the surface area of \u200b\u200bnanotubes could create higher-capacity batteries. In addition, energy from renewable sources like solar or wind could be stored more efficiently.
But there are still more applications. The third highlighting UCF scientists is the development of sensors that can detect toxins in food or water sensors could also detect traces of explosives.
hydrocarbons for gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. The advantages are clear: these hydrocarbons can use existing infrastructure more efficiently than ethanol, and are also easier to produce.
LS9 investigations are, however, still very green, although they have already microbes that produce this type of oil that can be used as fuel. The goal, however, is to go further: to achieve that synthetic biology create special products and better than the existing ![]() |
The company also has in mind to contact the manufacturers of ethanol to make a technology change on the other. At the end of the day, ethanol is only a temporary solution : fuels from hydrocarbons do not mix with gasoline and produce more efficiently. Is the future of synthetic biology for biofuels? (Or will continue to be algae?). |
Way Photo: Juan de Dios Santander Vela
I always remember him: the bio of biocompany not usually have bugs. The part of the undertaking, however, is that things often spoil due to lack of experience and strategy (as the laboratory and the business are worlds apart). But in this second approach, the business, not all do the numbers. Biocompany to take our success also depends in part on having a good
marketing strategy. And before I explain what to do, we will explain what are the most common mistakes:
Inaccuracy . O, which is, that the expectations you create in your customers do not correspond with reality. It is not just that advertising tells the truth or not (it should say it), but small details to take care of the public. Who picks up the phone? What if I write an email to the biocompany? All these aspects must work to convey the same image. Poor communication
. Forget communication times of one to many. Now that a lot can be answered, and you must listen. Pay attention to feedback from customers and answer you when you are traveling. You will receive valuable information that will help you improve your products or services, and improve your image to make sure you always understand. Complacency
. The great danger of the already established brands: sit back and enjoy their success, forgetting that the market moves at a dizzying pace. We must maintain momentum, while the spirit and brand values \u200b\u200bremain constant. Inconsistency
. The communication strategy should be consistent and well planned, all stakeholders in the company should receive the information in a timely and appropriate medium for what you need to plan well paths and times. Internal communication is as important as external, do not forget. Of course, only with this not be enough, but it's okay to start. Before thinking about how to make things right (yes, it is very important), we must be clear about what would make them wrong. Knowing what not to do is more important than what we usually think.
artificial blood vessels, which will make operations more short and the patient's recovery time is also lower.

The investigation Humancyte now leads the company, which has generated blood vessels from growing smooth muscle cells of human donor tissue. These vessels were built upon a "scaffolding", tubes made from a biodegradable polymer.
cells eliminate artificial
new vessel, thus avoiding immune responses in recipients to be transplanted.
The advantage of these new artificial blood vessels is clear:
can be easily stored and retrieved quickly when needed
, which can be key in cases of emergency operations. Experiments have been conducted so far (in animals) indicate that everything is going in the right direction: artificial blood vessels are elastic, strong and durable. can be easily stored and retrieved quickly when needed
question remains, however, how these vessels in the long run and especially if will eventually degrade in the human body. None of the scientists dare to give dates or a period of time, but it seems that the future does pass
for artificial blood vessels.
for artificial blood vessels.
bioimpresión , and is to apply the 3D printing technology (layered) which is now in full development of the human body.
the moment, one of the priorities of groups of scientists researching this subject (the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University, for example) is the impression
skin directly on burn victims . The Institute is developing a portable system also includes a scanner that identifies the size and depth of the wound, able to calculate the required cell layers. , which do not have much internal structure and vascularization. From there it will increasingly complex tissues such as bone or liver. Of course, like any new technique still in its early stages, bioimpresión faces many challenges, of which the most important seems to be the ![]() |
Is this technique more common in cases of tissue regeneration within a few years? According to Hod Lipson, director of Computational Synthesis Laboratory at Cornell University, yes. He bioimpresión expected to become a standard, and that d ithin | only 20 years is the most used in these cases. Let's wait to see if your predictions are true.
Way the challenges of the XXI century science is to eliminate (or minimize, more realistically) the effects of climate change, and mission for which there are many who speak of biochar as a solution to all our problems
. Is this right? First things first: Biochar is produced from biomass burning
organic waste modified atmosphere low in oxygen and, advocates say, contributes to a double reduction of emissions covered by CO2. On the one hand, it can be used for bioenergy, both in the form of electricity, ethanol and methanol,
can be converted into biofuels.
can be converted into biofuels.
On the other hand, if it replaces fossil fuel CO2 emissions avoided, while taking advantage of waste that fuel, so avoiding these emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. The result could be quite important, according to a study in Nature Geoscience, biochar could
offset 12% of global CO2 emissions to the atmosphere
. offset 12% of global CO2 emissions to the atmosphere
Of course, biochar also has its detractors. They're not against the idea itself, but see too many obstacles
to reach results noted: what is most lacking is a real support to companies that have decided to engage in biochar, so few have been launched for adventure and his actions make a real difference. , and ensure that biochar is not the panacea they see. Who will be right at the end? So you just have to wait. remove annoying headaches that often are tied to the consumption of red wine. However, soon these pains are a thing of the past thanks to scientists at the University of Vancouver. ![]() |
What they have done has been to develop a new type of yeast | less
The ML01 yeast allows wine makers to change the process: so far, had to
fermenting grape juice twice, first with wine yeast and the second with malolactic bacteria. This second fermentation is necessary to raise a milder flavor, is more unstable and can cause the appearance of the amines. But without this fermentation is likely to appear carbon dioxide in the bottle. - What have scientists in Vancouver has been taking a gene for malolactic bacteria and incorporate into the DNA of the yeast wine, so that in the first fermentation takes place and the whole process. The result? To avoid adding the malolactic bacteria reduces the risk of emerging amines. And amines, goodbye migraines.
- Source algae, it is also true that what is already in use in many cases
- corn for biofuels.
And as we know, biotechnology does not have to enter the game just in time to transform
The step just taken now in the U.S. is important, have approved the cultivation a type of GM corn, corn ENoG
. This corn is special because it has incorporated alpha-Milas, key enzymes in the production of biofuels currently being added to the raw material after being collected by other means. Corn ENoG save this step and have incorporated alpha-Milas. United States and turns in the race for obtaining biofuels achieve, if not replaced, at least r educe
dependence on oil. As always, we should expect to know which method is most appropriate and meets the requirements: ability to supply the whole world demand, be cheap, and not harm the environment.

Scientific staff.
managers to conduct R & D strategy of the biocompany, the typical profile of such biotechnology companies. What should seek our human resources managers when hiring someone from this family? In addition to the specific characteristics necessary for the position in question, it is essential that these people have innovative spirit and a strong interest in participating in the development of the company. Ademásl is ideal to have experience in R & D (between 1 and 4 years preferably in business segment). commercial.
You know, the other leg of the bio-businesses often lack: not enough to have the best scientists, we need to have people who know how to manage a business. Here are the managers, sales and customer service staff, those who would ask for experience of 1 to 3 years in sales in the sector (or client such as hospitals, universities, pharmacy ...). As for his character, it is necessary to look for people with spirit to take risks, someone proactive, willing to link their personal development of biocompany.
You know, the other leg of the bio-businesses often lack: not enough to have the best scientists, we need to have people who know how to manage a business. Here are the managers, sales and customer service staff, those who would ask for experience of 1 to 3 years in sales in the sector (or client such as hospitals, universities, pharmacy ...). As for his character, it is necessary to look for people with spirit to take risks, someone proactive, willing to link their personal development of biocompany.
guess by now you have noticed that once again talking about the same,
the need to combine scientific knowledge, research and innovation, with a strong business base : To reach the top, not must fail the foundation. And in the end, everything comes down to having the right idea and surround yourself with the best team possible.
Way Rice feeds about 3,000 million people, and many others around the world, but still not enough. The challenge for scientists is now the need to combine scientific knowledge, research and innovation, with a strong business base : To reach the top, not must fail the foundation. And in the end, everything comes down to having the right idea and surround yourself with the best team possible.
Since the 60 is the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) that addresses the development and research of these new varieties. And much has been achieved: the production of rice is currently the double or triple what it was in the 60 , when the greatest need pressing was feeding the millions of people starved.
Now that this need is more or less remedied Asia (although much remains to be done), the research focuses on making these varieties of rice
. Ie, not expensive for farmers (the price of fertilizer they use now do little more than raise), they do not cause pollution, and do not need much water to survive.
. Ie, not expensive for farmers (the price of fertilizer they use now do little more than raise), they do not cause pollution, and do not need much water to survive.
"green super rice"
: green because it will be greener to grow as much or more with less irrigation, and super because it will be more resistant to drought, flooding, salt water, insect pests and other threats. The task is difficult because it requires combining the genes responsible for each of these characteristics sought to achieve it all on the same floor.
: green because it will be greener to grow as much or more with less irrigation, and super because it will be more resistant to drought, flooding, salt water, insect pests and other threats. The task is difficult because it requires combining the genes responsible for each of these characteristics sought to achieve it all on the same floor.
Super Green Rice
. Meanwhile, continue to investigate for these farmers to produce more with less and feed a steadily growing population.
. Meanwhile, continue to investigate for these farmers to produce more with less and feed a steadily growing population.
When we started testing in humans, with the added benefit of the few possibilities of rejection, the results were not expected, although the treatment was indeed safe, the
improvements in patients were very mild and transient . The direction of research had to change.
Now there are several major trends. There are those who believe that the improvements noted by patients who were transplanted marrow stem cells did not reach the tissue repair itself, but by chemicals leaking from the transplanted cells. This has led to the conclusion that perhaps a closer relationship might result in better outcomes, so
have begun to focus on stem cells pluripotent stem cells with the ability to grow into any tissue and the ability to become heart cells. These investigations are still in preliminary stages, however, and have an extra obstacle to overcome: in these cases, the chances of rejection are higher. The other line in which all rely, but also is still far from being a reality, which would focus on ensuring that the heart improve its own healing abilities. In short, h acer believe their cells that have fewer years : delaying the clock to achieve convective in young cells, so that they act as such.
In some years we will know what is the solution.
Way in the category of Biomedicine. The reasons cited by the jury to award the prize to Yamanaka quite clearly the extent that their research can have: "The ability to work with iPS cells derived from patients themselves to avoid using patients as guinea pigs, will allow the search of molecules of pharmacological interest by new methods of screening and open the door to new therapies
patient-specific cell, in particular for
neurodegenerative diseases, "says the text of the decision. patient-specific cell, in particular for
Yamanaka For its part, stands out as one of the applications of iPS cells that takes less time to see the development of new drugs
. For other use by the scientist explained, the cell therapy, we should expect more, because we have to make before "IPS cells are safe, and do not cause cancer or other tumors." Yamanaka, who admits he was inspired by the frog cloning experiments of the 70's and Dolly's own (1996), received the award for "demonstrating that it is possible to reprogram cells and differentiated and return and a proper state of pluripotent cells. Research in the field remain open, clear, and you only have to wait to see the first applications of the discoveries of Shinya Yamanaka.
is a kind of vicious circle. To get that funding, in order to attract investors, you need to convey confidence. And to convey confidence, it is best that you know, few investors will risk putting your money in a biocompany of which have no reference. How can make a name? Playing your cards right and have patience.
ivory tower. This is where bio-entrepreneurs should sing a little mea culpa. One thing to be an excellent scientist and quite another to running a business. The bio-entrepreneurs and investors often speak different languages, making it difficult to get along. The solution here is either included in the team to a specialist in bio-business management (as recommended), or study well how the business world and put all your good will.
legal obstacles. may not be directly "barriers", but it is true that the legal fabric is very complex, especially as applied to biotechnology-derived products, which usually ends in more delays.
hope not scare you with this list ... Ten into account, however, that the biotech sector is among the few that has escaped the crisis, which continues to create jobs and keep moving (and generating) a lot of money. This post is for you to see that even the simplest ways are its small stones to stumble. (
Track transport. Well, it seems that things are going slowly but surely: a study by the Öko-Institut,
ever faster. Thus, concludes the study, the European transport biofuels used 2020 sen by 10% in 2030 to 25% to 80% in 2050.

The study comes at a good time and coincides with that recently from the European Commission. According to the agency, biofuels have the potential to ending Europe's dependence on fossil fuels , making the European transport sector is sustainable in 2050.
biofuels industry has a great future, especially when
and has not yet found the definitive formula for industrially produced (although the algae seem to have enough ballots) . Transport is also the sector that has more outstanding issues with the environment, since it is the only sector that since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1990, has increased its emissions rather than reducing them.
Of course, we must wait until 2050 to see if the forecasts in this report are true, but it seems that Europe is getting
finally batteries (rechargeable, of course) to ensure a future
more green. The biofuel research is becoming increasingly necessary. finally batteries (rechargeable, of course) to ensure a future
Way to achieve longer shelf life.
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