time ago not visit this excellent restaurant, I discovered through an inveterate gourmet Alcover, Josep thanks again for your advice. Many times we went through towns where no suspect may be a genuine and wonderful restaurant like this, between tradition and some hints to modernity, to a level comparable to many stars.

This jewel is the fruit of the efforts of two sisters, Bibi, who runs mastered the dining room, a bright, classic and elegant, leave you advise on the wines and the letter. Rosana, is the queen of cuisine, combines tradition and elegance in presentations, working quality products, accurate and correct cooking mixture of flavors.
This time of life's coincidences, I met with a gourmet first
enchanted to , regular customer and friend of the sisters Huguet. I can only find a "but" at the local, not like the sign in yellow and blue, is so only a formal aspect, visual design. And as you can see in subsequent posts, Light snacks, while at other times were first, this visit did not like, whereas the rest of the meal was first rate.
As I said the recipe is traditional, strong and generous portions, a highly recommended visit. And that you are for dinner you can visit the agricultural cooperative Borges del Camp and buy oil from the region.
In the rear is a car that goes unnoticed, drive down a side street from the inn. The bill is grateful, between 30 € and 40 €, depending on the quality varied of wine, but with a gastronomic level like this, well worth the visit to accompany it with a great wine. Treatment ultimately charming, good product, fair prices and an excellent cook, not to mention the skill of the conductor.
The inn Emilio. Av Senyora of Gener, 65. Les Borges del Camp (Tarragona). Phone: 977 817 025. Closed Friday night weekdays and holidays.
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