If you ask a person materialistic, agnostic or a scientist, that's where we come from and where we are, almost certainly the answer is that we come from nothing, that we are what we are thanks to a series of circumstances and that after death we return to nothingness never to never knowing anything about our existence.
If you ask theologians or another representative of a religion, it is easy for us to respond that man is a spirit that comes from God and is created by God, that each one lives a life very different circumstances depending on where and how to be born, and that after death comes back again to that world from which it came, finally say that there is an eternity in a state of happiness or suffering depending on what you have done here in this life.
If we consult the teachings of esoteric or "occult philosophy", we see that his theory is very different, she says: "Man is a spirit that also comes from God and that through the laws of" Renaissance " and "Cause and Effect", is developing its latent possibilities in dynamic power of the Spirit through a process of slow but increasing development effectiveness.
will do so until that through evolution reach perfection or union with that great being that normally call God. "The things I do and I shall do even greater," said Christ.
is useful to know which of these theories is the most logical and reasonable, to know where the human being goes through these Divine Laws.
The first scientific or materialistic theory of disbelief, most people will see to reason that hard to believe that there is all that exists in this universe for man to enjoy, as a casual life of planet earth.
If humanity has a body as perfect in its operation and capabilities, and if Solar System as a balance, where there are laws governing all that exists so that it is a mess, it is logical to think that this must have been unimaginably conceived by a mind superior to that of men. If the mind that created the universe with its perfection is so powerful and high Why you're creating an entire universe in his movements perfect for anyone not to enjoy?
Is it for us who are on this small planet? Or have done by chance? "We would create the best university in the world for our children to be a day to it? Is not it logical to think that God has done something we can not understand?
If so, is it not logical to think that also has created special laws, which are related to the development of humanity and the goal or have to reach perfection?
If we reason that the second theory say some theologians and like-minded people, we could say:
1 º. If, as all religions say God is love How can God put some spirits to be born in poverty and disease and others in wealth and health?
2 º. How can God ask the same responsibility to which he himself becomes almost the need to steal to live, while others do not lack anything in life?
3 º. It says in some books of religion and some people in that environment, that God permits, destroy, punish them for all eternity, or just save a few of their children. If you also say God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent How can God allow the destruction of their children? If it's love Why will not save the rest of their children if we ourselves, imperfect, should we? How is it going to punish all eternity of suffering if they are part of Himself and Himself put them in their destination almost predisposed to do evil? Why sent his son to save all humanity if then allows many others to lose interest without remedy? Can it be destroyed something that is part of an omnipotent being?
4 º. The man, still imperfect it is, has plans to prevent people from dying in certain circumstances, why not going to be God if His wisdom is infinite? Is not it logical to think that God has laws that govern the evolution of man as well as with nature so that everything is becoming more perfect?
esoteric teaching states that no spirit is lost because it is part of God, that this Spirit is reborn, and that through the Law of Cause and Effect - what ye sow, you reap - in every life you get what it deserves for the good and bad according to the causes he has done in his previous life.
Thus the human being is and is the result of their own actions and not the result of a capricious God. God does not punish, but makes its laws teach us to go the straight way - as we do with our children - these laws bring us the effects of a cause we made so that through experience we learn to be increasingly more spiritual, humanitarian and better instruments of God on Earth.