produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while the human race does not listen.
is no news that is fashionable to be green. We are bombarded with messages about civic awareness, environmental health and good deeds to do with the waste ... But now approaching the carnival, after the passage of the much-coveted tickets to folklorists, the landscape the streets of our towns and cities is bleak, beer cartons, and containers of food and all sorts of trash containers invade. The question now is not just recycling the packaging, but try not to generate them.
Most environmental groups agree on this matter: what matters is not only recycle, but above this does not generate more waste than necessary.
A current example of this is, the issue of plastic bags in supermarkets give us, and one of the options being considered is to make citizens pay for them. These bags are popular in the 70's and many facilities to free deliveries customers. They are comfortable transportation ads while traveling in a particular trade. Their composition is basically polypropene, polyethylene of low, medium or high density (whose manufacture is made from fossil fuels and emit pollutants) or non-biodegradable plastic polymers.
But now it seems that finally we realized the environmental impact posed by these bags. It is estimated that each plastic bag is useful to us for about 10 minutes, but it takes to decompose between 100 and 400 years (depending on their composition). The vast majority of them end up in landfills, releasing pollutants or crematoria where combustion emits air toxins harmful to life. And do not forget that all these plastic bags, like other products of this material, they also have terrible effects on wildlife (dolphins with amputations, choking turtles entangled in plastic, birds ...)
merchants and manufacturers of insist that plastic bags are reusable bags (especially to store household waste, organic and non organic), but environmentalists warn associations precisely this use (including ones that sell for) just causes a number of pollutants in landfills and by extension to the land itself. The environmentalists' position is clear: the best how to recycle plastic bags is not manufactured. The best alternative is to use carts or cloth bags that can be easily bent and no space. But still looks with surprise to those who do not want the bags and consumers are aware they have to say that they are not given.
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