Fear death struggle trying to avoid any idea connected with it, hiding behind a scramble for pleasures to forget what you do not want to remember. But these pleasures are brief and have to get new things to take that "veil" that forces us to face reality. We must transform life into something fun, exciting or fall into madness of escapism.
However, the "instinct of immortality beset on all sides and seeks to prolong life, the only life in an unequal battle against death. This is where science is at the service, not welfare or health body, but the growth in average years and the artificial collection of eternal youth, for one thing brings about another. If we want to do live longer in good shape, as strong young people, the characteristics of the elderly are so hateful as death itself. Today
waging a desperate struggle to pretend it is not, to prove that time does not pass to us, hundreds of surgical formulas try to return the body fresh and cool look, the cosmetics is gaining ground in global stock markets as well as certain types of medications that 'deleted' years, and wrinkles.
genetic manipulation, he started doing some tests on animals, is dangerously close to other experiments, this time with humans, and always with the same perspective: physical immortality.
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