No coexistence possible in the absence of love and generosity when absorbing the prevailing feeling is considered unique in the world. To live is to broaden awareness and accommodate all living things, understanding life in all things and to conceive the infinity of the universe.
have to know and appreciate all that is ... And have the courage to share what we all are. Nobody can despise their achievement if the conduct of others.
A good dose of unification is what we need everyone in general and each in particular. Re-experience the reality of that great family which is humanity, the happiness of friendship, mutual trust, desire to cooperate and help, to be able to look in the eyes again and find bright truths instead of fearful shadows.
A good dose of unification is what we need everyone in general and each in particular. Re-experience the reality of that great family which is humanity, the happiness of friendship, mutual trust, desire to cooperate and help, to be able to look in the eyes again and find bright truths instead of fearful shadows.
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