"A wife, where do you find? Is more precious than rubies Her husband has full confidence in her and does not require ill-gotten gains. She is a source of good, not harm, all days of her life ... Her children arise and call her blessed, her husband also praises her. Proesa Many women do, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord is worthy of praise. Sean recognized for their achievements, and publicly praised his works! "
Proverbs 31:10-12 and 31:28-31.
say that a certain We older women invisible, that our role on the stage of life declines and we become non-existent to a world that can only be the impetus of the early years.
I do not know if I will have become invisible to the world, it is very probable, but I was never so aware of my existence, I never felt as hero of my life, and never enjoyed it so much every moment of my life as now.
discovered I'm not a fairy tale princess, I discovered the human being that I am simply, with its misery and its grandeur. I found that I can afford to not be perfect, it is full of defects, have weaknesses, wrong, to make wrong things, not to meet the expectations of others.
And despite it .... Really love me! When I look in the mirror and not looking at where I was ... I smiled at you .... I'm glad the way you came, I assume my contradictions.
I feel that I greet with affection I was young, but set it aside for now in my way. His world of illusion and fantasy, I do not care. What a good life without the obsession of perfection does not feel good that permanent restlessness occurs chasing dreams!
Life is so short and the Art of living is so difficult that when one begins to learn, and must die.
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